“The Two Most Important Days In Your Life Are The Day You Were Born, and The Day You Find Out Why” Mark Twain
- I dwell on the worst-case scenarios and downplay the positives.
- If I am not perfect, I am a total failure.
- If anything horrible happens to me once, I fully anticipate it will happen again.
- I think and feel for other people; I know their feelings and why they act as they do.
- I always feel horrible things have happened, no matter how much or how little emphasis I put on the incident.
- I constantly judge myself and others and assume their actions and words directly reflect how they feel about me.
- I assume the blame when others are miserable, even though I know I am being controlled from the outside.
- When I don’t receive what I want, I become bitter.
- I attribute my suffering and misfortunes to external causes.
- When others break my rules, it makes me angry; when I break them, it makes me feel bad.
- I let my emotions supersede my better judgment.
- If I exert enough influence, others will adjust their behavior to fit mine.
- If I mess up, I’m a loser, right?
- I’m always looking for new ways to demonstrate that the world is wrong and I’m right about everything.
- I get resentful when my efforts to make sacrifices and deny myself are in vain.
- I’m tired of being tired.
- Why aren’t you giving me what I want?
- Feeling blue?
- Being comfortable is more appealing.
- I’m not one to step forward first.
- Can’t you explain why I don’t go after my goals?
- Take the easiest route possible.
- I fail because…
- I lack initiative in my thought processes.
- Life passes me by, and I feel like I’m just floating.
If you answered yes to any of these statements, B-posi+ive could put you on a better way to live. Remember, your journey began at BIRTH!